Wind Energy But Why???
We live in the times where there is a constant demand for energy. The planes we fly in, the trains we travel, the electricity we use...each and everything we do we are using some kind of energy. Basic thing as water coming to your house is pumped up by pumps to bigger water tanks so that it can reach you. The gas in the nearest gas station to fuel up your car comes in tankers that in itself are driven by fuel (how ironic). But there is always a question that one day we are going to run out of the fossil fuel that we heavily depend on (Gas). What will we do then? Scientists started looking into alternate ways to generate energy and we have various ways of doing that for example, Geothermal Energy, Hydrogen Energy, Tidal Energy, Wave Energy, Hydroelectric Energy, Biomass Energy. They are all different ways to create the energy. But one very interesting and different source of energy is Wind Energy . It uses the wind to create energy. The...