What is Chemo?
What is Chemo?
One out of three Americans gets cancer in their lifetime irrespective of age. Nine out of ten people get cancer at the age of 50 and older but, no one exactly knows why we get cancer. A disease has several aspects especially the ones which are life-threatening as Cancer. People suffering from cancer go through a roller coaster of emotions, depression, anxiety, and fear. The dearest thing to a person is his life and Cancer makes you uncertain of it. Cancer can affect several of your body parts like Kidneys, Breast Cancer in women, Leukemia, and Lungs. These are the most common forms of Cancer. There are several types of treatments that people undergo when fighting this deadly disease and one of the most common ones is Chemotherapy. There are several thoughts about Chemo’s reputation as treatment. Some doctors swear by it, and some would like to use it as a last resort. So what exactly is chemo, it’s drawbacks and advantages.
Chemotherapy also called as Chemo is the process of using medicines to treat Cancer. Chemotherapy goes throughout your body and bloodstream. So it works on treating your cancer cells throughout your body. Chemotherapy kills cells that are in the process of splitting into 2 new cells. When cells split, chemotherapy creates two new cells. So instead of one cell, there is two. When the cells are dividing, there is an accumulated amount of cells. So, all this accumulation creates a tumor. Cancer produces cells more easily chemo is to more likely to kill them. Now, the drawbacks of Chemo are a bunch but think that still, the benefits outnumber the drawbacks. Since chemo kills cancer cells, it can cause some side effects. It affects healthy body tissues where the cells are constantly growing and dividing, such as you lose your hair, your bone marrow which is constantly producing blood cells, your skin, and the lining of your digestive system, which is constantly renewing themselves, and the average cost of chemo is $7,000 to $30,000 which is pricey (asbestos.com).
Chemo has saved many lives and continues to do so. It might slow down the growth of your cancer or shrink it and make you live longer (asbestos.com). If you choose to have a surgery based on the no the certain Cancer it can be followed by Chemo, which will reduce the chances of Cancer coming back. For minor of people, Chemo can shrink the tumor to a size that it can be removed using surgery. So, in essence, it can make other therapies more effective.
In conclusion, Chemo is a life-changing therapy which is giving a chance for people to live longer after diagnosed with Cancer. But there is a lot of misinformation that needs to be corrected and people need to be educated about this deadly disease and the pros and cons of Chemo.
Work Cited
Cancer Research UKCancerresearchuk.org. “How chemotherapy kills cancer cells”.Cancerresearchuk.org. 2017. Web. 10 September 2018
Kidshealth.org. “Chemotherapy”. Kidshealth.org. 2014.Web. 11 September 2018
Webmd.com. Chemotherapy: “How It Works and How You'll Feel”.Webmd.com. 2017.Web. 12 September 2018
Karen Pallarito. “Understanding the Benefits and Risks of Chemotherapy”. Abcnews.go.com.Web 2017. 14 September 2018
Pancreaticcancer.org.uk. “Advantages and Diisadvantages of chemotherapy”.2017. Wed. 10 September 2018. https://www.pancreaticcancer.org.uk/information-and-support/treatments-for-pancreatic-cancer/chemotherapy-for-pancreatic-cancer/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-chemotherapy/
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