Where are my Roots of Optimism

Where are my Roots of Optimism

Where are my roots of optimism?

Harry S. Truman said some beautiful words, ”A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities and an optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties.”

My roots of optimism are with my family, they give me all the hope and confidence to do everything. There are things that you know are hard and think to yourself that I cannot do it, that’s when you need these pillars of hope that tells you “No, You Can”.

I believe Optimism starts with a simple thing in my family. As soon as I get home my mother asks me and my sister “Tell me something good that happened today”. Which sets us for other positive things in life. Like my singing.

I had the notion that I had a voice of a nightingale, until one day my sister came knocking at my door and said,” Please stop singing all the birds are running away and all the neighbors are trying to sell their houses.”Honestly I am not that bad. I asked my mom if I can sing and she said the song was not right for my voice.I could have given up singing but my pillar “my mom”, saved me from falling in pit of sadness and gave me Optimism.

We live in a society where Media is promoting bad news and all we hear is news of death and destruction. I have a feeling that media is preying on fear. So we desperately need more Optimism than ever.

We have to believe that the humanity is moving in the right direction and more financial equality. There are more and more acts of kindness being performed by random people. There is more financial equality now that ever before as everybody gets an opportunity to do things and make money. Earlier it was only the kings and queens who had money and everybody else was poor.

We need to Celebrate little things in life”, like getting an A in a test, going to watch “The Greatest Showman”, “Celebrating your or your loved one's special day”.
Humans are born Optimist. When we Start walking, we stumble and fall but that does not mean we give up on walking…we walk and we run.
But over the time in process of growing up, we meet people that tell us that we cannot do this or that as it is too hard or out of our reach...believe me it could not be harder than learning to balance your body on 2 feet

When I get a task and I think it is hard, I go and ask for help to my parents. That gives me a feeling that “Yes I have my family to support me through this”.
I also understand the fact that I am so blessed, and other people have more challenges than I do...My fights and my fears are very little compared to a lot of other kids in the world.
There are kids fighting poverty, acute illnesses, not having enough to get going through the day. I am blessed that I don’t have to, but I GET TO...I don’t have to go to school, but I GET TO...The feeling of being able to do something gets me going and is the biggest source of Optimism.

Optimism spreads like wildfire!

Optimism changes live, innovates and bring hope to others.

In a world full of doubt, discrimination, and greed the world gains so much when you're optimistic. So close your eyes and ask yourself this one question what do you hold onto.


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